Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Tuesday, October 08, 2013 Homeward Bound!! Final Post of English Tea Time.

Tuesday, October 08, 2013  Homeward Bound!!

We did not have breakfast this morning because it was just too expensive at the hotel, we didn’t have time and we figured we’d have some at the airport.  So we checked out, figured out that we really didn’t owe money for a hotel room after all, and loaded up our two six-seater taxis the hotel had ordered for us.  It took Linda and Sue a little extra time to figure out the way to pay for Linda’s extra suitcase online but they got it done and off we went.  

 It took about 15 minutes to get to the airport but we may it to Terminal Four just fine.  We had to negotiate  lines of luggage drop-off and so forth.  I had to unpack my big suitcase and repack it into a smaller duffel bag and the big suitcase.  Turns out that if your luggage weighs more than 32 kilograms that they just plain won’t take it onboard no matter how much extra money you pay!!!!  Good thing I left that little duffel bag in there!!  I was supposed to pay lots of money for that extra suitcase, but when I turned it in, the man just said go on.  I asked how much money I owed and he said none.  Then he said “Life goes on.” And I said thanks a bunch.  On I went!!  Wasn’t that nice??? 

 I found some of the others and we started through security. We couldn’t find Paula but figured she was up ahead of us somewhere. Turns out she was behind us. Sue and I had an easy time going through security but some of the others had a very tough time.  Paula got searched and Linda’s luggage took a really long time to get checked.  But it all worked out okay in the end.  We all found each other, did some shopping, bought some sandwiches for lunch (I didn’t like mine so threw it away.) and settled down to wait to load onto the plane.  

 It was a LONG walk to the airplane on a downward sloping walkway but we finally got on the plane.  We all agree that paying some extra for Comfort Economy is worth the money to have more space.  Of course, we’d like to have Business Class or First Class, whatever it’s called, but this is still much better than the back of the plane where it is even more crowded.  We were served a lunch (if you can call it that) not long after takeoff but I just can’t get to liking airplane food.  I watched the movie The Lone Ranger and really enjoyed it. I later watched Star Trek: Into Darkness in the background as I typed the journal.  It was fairly bumpy on several occasions but it was not too bad.   I ended up doing some reading and upon Paula’s recommendation, I watched Crazy, Stupid Love which was pretty good.  I barely finished watching the movie before we landed.  I think our group did quite a bit of napping, movie watching, and reading on the flight home.   

We got through customs and security better and faster than we ever have before.  Perhaps it was the fact that we were at the new International Terminal – I don’t know for sure.  We got on a shuttle for the Ground Transportation area of the regular terminals and it was a LONG ride over to it.  It is a good system and we ended up on benches watching lots of the Groom shuttles picking up people and taking them to lots of cities.  That must be a booming business.  We had to wait at least two hours for our shuttle and during that time the weather went from wonderful and brisk to windy and cold. 

We were really glad to get onto the shuttle to Chattanooga – the seven of us and one other lady.  The driver said he could have gotten one other person on the shuttle but he doubts he could have gotten any more luggage on.  The drive north was good, I think.  I remember seeing the State Capitol building, I think, but I slept most of the way.  I woke up as we pulled off the interstate into Dalton – that’s what I call a good ride home.  We split our luggage up into the correct two cars – Sarah’s and Sue’s and bid Linda goodbye on her continued trip to her car in Chattanooga.  

It was a wonderful trip and even though it was three weeks, it was not too long – not for me and I don’t think it was for the others either.  I may post another time if and when I get news from the others. 

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